A Kansas City Summer

Now that I’ve finally told you about my experiences in Honduras, I guess I can catch up to my present life.

As I write this I’m sitting at a desk at Lawing Financial, where I’m interning this summer. The office is in Overland Park, Kansas! Very close to Kansas City, Missouri. I’m just wrapping up my first week of the internship and I have to say that I’m really loving it! Usually going to places where I am unfamiliar makes me nervous, but so far it’s been going really well.

There are two other interns here with me, Tim and Brett. They’re both a year older than me. Brett will be a senior at Kansas State, while Tim will be one at University of Georgia. I guess every year they do a photoshoot of the new interns to print some of the pictures into the marketing newspaper. Here are some of those:

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I also met three other people close to my age: James, JG (Jordan) and Paige. They’re all 23-24, are recent college graduates and just started full-time jobs here at Lawing Financial. They’ve been extremely welcoming – today was my second day going out to lunch with them, and we’re planning on going to a Kansas City Royals game this weekend!

I thought I was going to have a hard time adjusting to life in Kansas, but I’ve begun to enjoy myself so early on in my trip that I feel as though it’s going to be hard to leave come July. Trying to take everything in and not rush through the days!